Natural Exponential Family

The Linear Exponential Family

Proportion (of binomial data) is in the exponential family

Inverse Normal distribution: in the Natural Exponential Family

Exponential family (canonical form)

The Exponential Family of Distributions

Negative Binomial - a member of the Natural Exponential Family

Binomial distribution: in the exponential family

Gamma Distribution: Member of the Exp Family

Introduction to the Exponential Family of Distributions-Part1

Lecture 13 - Exponential Families

Normal distribution: in the exponential family

The Linear Exponential Family: The Mean

Lecture 9: Exponential Family of Distributions

Gaussian distribution as exponential family

Supervised Learning: 5.1 The Exponential Family

2.4 Exponential Family - What it is, Why You Should Care - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

2.4.1 & 2 Exponential Family - Maximum Likelihood, Sufficient Statistics, Conjugate Priors - PRML

Exponential Family 1

Example of Exponential Family: Discrete Distributions

GLM Exponential Family, Example with Normal distribution finding functions a, b, and c

Exponential Family of Distributions

Exponential family

Poisson distribution: a member of the exp family

The Exponential Family (Part 2)